Local connection
You will only be considered for Bands A – C if you have both a housing need and a connection to the city. To be considered as having a local connection, you must meet one of the following criteria:
You have lived in the city continuously for 3, or 3 out of the last 5 years
You work in the city for 16 hours or more per week and have done so for the last 3 out of the past 5 years prior to the application
You have immediate family members who have been resident in the borough for the last 5 years (Immediate family members are defined as parents, adult children or brothers or sisters)
Those with certain links to the armed forces
If the Council has accepted a full housing duty under part VII of the Housing Act 1996
Engagement with services
Those who have a history of rough sleeping may struggle to demonstrate that their residency within the borough has been settled. Where this is the case, the Council will accept written confirmation from Council commissioned providers that an individual has been engaging with them/living within their supported housing for at least 6 months
Those needing to move to escape domestic abuse in their own local area will be treated as though they have a local connection to the borough
There are exceptional circumstances which the Council considers give rise to a local connection. Applications will be considered on an individual basis