Band B
At risk of homelessness/the prevention duty
If you are at risk of homelessness within the next 56 days, and a homeless application has been accepted from SCC homeless team, you will be placed into band B if you: engage with the Council to prevent your homelessness & follow the agreed steps set out in your personalised housing plan.
Homelessness relief duty
If you approach the Council as homeless, we will make a homeless application with a homeless officer, and if your application is accepted/you are engaging with the process, you will be placed either under a homeless relief or prevention duty.
Homeless – non-priority need
If you remain homeless after the relief duty has expired, we will investigate what further housing duties may be owed to you. You may remain within band B if you are:
- Found to be unintentionally homeless, do not have a priority need but also you do not fall within any of the exclusion criteria (i.e. due to rent arrears or anti social behaviour)
Lack of 2 bedrooms
If you lack two bedrooms in your home, unless evidence exists that shows the overcrowding is deliberate. Same sex children are expected to share a double room, whilst opposite sex children can share until the age of 10.
3 or more band C needs
Where you have 3 band C needs you will be placed into Band B.