Band C
Lack of 1 bedroom
If you lack one bedroom in your home, you will be placed into band C unless evidence exists that shows the overcrowding is deliberate. Same sex children are expected to share a double room, whilst opposite sex children can share until the age of 10.
Disrepair/poor property condition
Where the Council has determined that your property may be in disrepair, it will be assessed in line with appendix 3 of our Allocations Policy. In the first instance we would expect you to raise the concern with your landlord and give them reasonable opportunity to address problems.
If you can demonstrate/evidence the need to move nearer to local facilities or relatives to give or receive essential support or take up work that would not otherwise be available.
Homeless prevention/relief cases where a private rented sector offer has been accepted
If you accept a suitable private rented sector offer whilst working with the Council under its homeless prevention or relief duties, you will be able remain on the housing register in Band C.
Where you can evidence that your health/welfare condition is being caused or made worse by your current housing circumstances and cannot be resolved by carrying out adaptations to your current property, you will be awarded medical/welfare.
Low-income households
If you spend over a third of your income on low cost rented accommodation, and are in low cost rented housing, you will be placed into band C.
Former relevant child
Some young people who are adequately housed, but were previously in care will be eligible for band C. This will apply where you are:
- Under the age of 25 at time of both application and allocation.
- The Housing Team have received written confirmation from the Council’s Children’s Social Care Team that you are a Southend ‘former relevant child’ within the meaning of 23C(1) of the Children Act 1989.