Band A
Regeneration or redevelopment
This criteria will apply where:
- You are a Southend Council/South Essex Homes secure social tenant
- You are part of an SCC approved regeneration scheme (Better Queensway)
- You do not wish to live on the regenerated site
- You have been given written confirmation that you will need to move within the next 12-18 months. (No Better Queensway tenants have been issued with such letters yet).
Needing to flee violence/harassment/abuse
An investigation/assessment has found that a member of the household is being subjected to continuing and serious harassment, violence or abuse that is causing alarm and distress, that will be improved by alternative accommodation.
Urgent medical or welfare needs
If you or a member of your household has a health/welfare condition that is being caused or made worse by your current housing. Urgent medical/welfare priority will be given if your property has been shown to have an extremely significant impact on a proven medical condition that can only be improved by a move to a different property.
Urgent disrepair
Where the Council has determined that a property is in disrepair/a poor condition, band A may be granted depending on the extent of the disrepair. Band A will be awarded in urgent situations only.
Lack of bedrooms
You lack three or more bedrooms in your current home and your overcrowding is not deliberate or you have exclusive use of one room but you share kitchen or bathroom facilities with non-family members and lack two or more bedrooms (this does not include temporary accommodation).
Spare/excess rooms within a social housing property
You have one or more excess bedrooms. You would be willing to downsize to a property that meets your needs. To encourage you to downsize, you will also be given priority for new build council housing.
Giving up an adapted social property
If you are a tenant of an adapted, social property in the city of Southend-on-Sea, with adaptations that are no longer required.
SCC care leaver ready to live independently
If you are a Southend-on-Sea City Council looked after child, you will be awarded Band A priority where: you will shortly be leaving care, and have been assessed by Social Care/your Personal Advisor and Housing Solutions as ready to live independently.
Supported housing (move on)
If you live within an approved supported housing scheme (usually up to a maximum of 2 years) and have been assessed as ready to live independently.